Saturday, September 17, 2011


I am starting a new book. Not one that I am reading, that would be too easy. One that I am writing. Along with (hopefully) the help of my friends. I had this idea of finishing it before my friends and I go to Italy next summer. I know it's a stretch but I would love to hear some feedback on if you would read the book if it ever got finished. Here is a sneak peak- A.K.A... the only part of it that I have written thus far. 

I told myself I would write it all down. I’d write it down on napkins, a computer, or journal… Somewhere, so I wouldn’t forget. Because life is a funny thing- as much as you cherish, and replay a memory in your head, one day you can find it slipping through you mind and there’s nothing you can do about it. In an instant the best part of your childhood can be gone.
            Friendships are like that too. As much as you try to hold on to them, as you grow up you are meant to drift apart. It’s only natural. Or, that’s what my family kept telling me. They told me that our friendship probably wouldn’t stand the test of high school. They told me that drugs, boys and drama would leak into our pure relationship like an oil spill, and there would be nothing I could do about it, but watch helplessly from the side. I found myself repeating these words of doom, letting sorrow and fear capture our hearts. What happens when I go to college and new friends and opportunities surround me? What happens when we begin to talk less and soon, our friendship is just like that distant memory that we find is slipping away.
That never happened to us, at least, not yet. We leave for Italy in a couple of weeks and that will begin a new chapter of our lives together. But as of now, it feels like we’ve been through it all. The heart breaks, the parents divorces, the college life, the rumors, the betrayals and tears. And we did it all barefooted and running through fields, afraid that if we stopped to catch our breath we might find ourselves growing up too fast.
We are the Farm Girls, Cassidy, Christiana and Hannah; and we have been best friends for a VERY long time.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


I am obsessed with weddings. I think it all started when I was a junior in high school. For my horticulture class we had to design our own weddings, it was mainly supposed to be focused on the flowers and plants that you would use on "The Big Day" but for the majority of the girls in the class it meant three months of sorting through wedding magazines to find the perfect dress and ring. And for the boys? Well it meant doing nothing until the day before the due-date.

My wedding that I planned was just the beginning of my total obsession with all things weddings. Now I am an avid reader and follower of many wedding blogs and magazines. I have my own page on The Knot website so that I can add things to my personalized wedding plan.

I had the idea that I could add some of the pictures that I am obsessed with at the moment to my blog so that hopefully you can all get just as addicted as I am.

The newest wedding site is called and it is the cutest!

Some pictures that I am just drooling over?

And more to come!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I like to sleep. I mean, I LOVE to sleep. I have a hard time waking up anytime before eight on a regular day... Now you may be thinking, well hey, so do I! You also may be thinking that sleeping until eight or nine shouldn't make you a bad person. But let me tell you. I am considered lazy, ungrateful and a "not-so-hard-worker" because of the small fact that I like to get a little bit more beauty sleep then the rest of my family.
As the farm that I live on starts work at 6:30 (am) (Yeah I have NOOOO idea how they do it all year round) The fact that I like to sleep and rest my body, has always been frowned upon. I mean, it's not that I CAN'T get up early, I wake up at 5:45 ever day at my sisters camp that I work at. But it's hard work, and my smile does NOT look good in the morning if I wake up before the sun. (It's been told to me by MANY people) My face looked pained and my lips seem too small for my head. It's whack.

Life cut me a good deal this spring and gave me a break- mono. (and no I didn't get it from sucking face with any boy... I don't think.) Yeah it was lame at first and I was always feeling sick and couldn't sleep even when I wanted to. But suddenly there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Because even the doctor (and my mom if you can believe it) prescribed me one thing- sleep. Suddenly I could be as lazy as I wanted and just blame it on the mono... I was sleeping 12 to 14 hours a day and it felt wonderful! My roomate and I were maybe the laziest people on the whole campus that spring, and she didn't even have mono. I wish I could keep blaming the fact that I like to sleep on the fact that I had mono all the time, but the sad thing is the symptoms are waring off. Except for the fact that I am always tired... But I don't know if that is a lasting symptom or just how I have been my whole life, I can't exactly remember.

Away, if you think that this judgment on the fact that I like to sleep is harsh and a little mean, please, I beg you... Talk to my family, or at least hold judgment on others who may seem lazy- because the fact of the matter is, that maybe their smile is just not that good in the morning time. Give them a break they might have mono.