Friday, June 29, 2012

Thank You For the Comment and Keep Reading!


Recently, as you may have noticed, I have not been very constant in my blog writing. I instead, have been busy traveling, learning, laughing and growing. (Literally, as I live on a farm.)
I have so much to update everyone on, even those who know me the best don’t know me much at all at the moment... Seeing as how I am spending the majority of my time playing capture the flag and milking cows with campers ages 7 to 12.
This summer, like the last 10 summers, I am working at Camp Full Belly Farm.
(Located, very conveniently, right outside my house.)  Already, I have gotten to know almost 120 different campers all with different personalities, quirks and talents. 
I love this job.
It makes me yearn for sleep more than I have ever in my whole life. It also reminds me how fortunate I am to grow up with a 250-acre back yard. 
I am pretty dang lucky. 

So, this summer, along with getting back from my trip across the globe, I am being reminded of those things I hold most dear. Dogs, stars, friendships that are as strong as the muscles I am getting from pulling campers up the creek… and life. 

Recently, I had a most passionate reader comment on my blog reminding me that I should tell the truth about who I am as an individual. Well here it goes: 
This summer I feel strong. I feel cared for by my friends and family. I feel capable of leading 56 campers in rhythms and games and farming activities with enthusiasm and love. I feel confident that I can get on a train or plane ANYWHERE and figure it out by myself. I feel confident that I am beautiful, on the inside and the out. And NO words, however hurtful, and NO person, no matter how hateful, will make me think less of myself. 

This year has been a time FULL of tremendous growth for me. I have learned how to stand on my own two feet. I have learned that getting lost can be fun, because you get to experience the journey of finding your way back. I learned that I can live through earthquakes, hate mail, heartbreak and tears. I learned that although I am the baby, that doesn't mean I need to count on anyone else to live my life. 
So readers… ALL readers, “thanks for the comment and keep reading!”
Because BOY do I have a lot to tell YOU!

These pictures remind me of the STRENGTH that I felt on my trip and the strength that I now know I have.