Sunday, March 11, 2012

Things I've Learned From My Siblings.

I have two older brothers and one older sister. (Two if you include my brothers wife, which I do.)
Wanna meet them? 
Meet Hallie
Meet Rye
I am the youngest. 
The baby. 
(Although I did have a dream that my mom was pregnant again. Haha Yeah, that's soooo not happening. Everyone knows parents don't have sex after a certain age... RIGHT?)

Anyway... Yeah. I am the baby.
I am pretty sure I am permanently 12 in most of my family members eyes.
Forever burned in to their mind as a scrawny girl... hair parted down the middle with gap-teeth, acne and braces.  
It's really okay though, I wouldn't have it any other way most of the time. 
My siblings are awesome. 
They rock at just being alive. 
They have taught me a lot about the world.  
Including but not limited to:

1. BBQ sauce makes anything taste better. ANYTHING. 

2. Never keep a diary around the house.

3. Never try to have your own pet. Especially a cat. 

4. You can quote any movie anytime. It always applies. It is always relevant.

5.  If you are ever looking for the T.V. cord DO NOT look in mom and dad's closet.

6. Musical instruments are the best form of torture. 

7. If you say "Please" before you stay stop they are actually more likely to stop. Who knew?

8. Pinning someone down and letting Mister (our dog) lick their face NEVER gets old. 

9. Pretending you are dead/dying also never gets old. 

10. You can convince anyone of ANYTHING if you try hard enough.

11. It is never going to be your Golden Year at Christmas. 
It is always moms Golden Year at Christmas. 
No matter who tells you it's going to be your Golden Year. 

12. Following Dad around is the best way to find candy at Easter. 
He somehow always know where the Easter bunny laid an egg. 
13. Dancing while cleaning up the kitchen makes the job go by ten times as fast. 

14. Cleaning the Bathroom is the best chore to sign up for because it is relatively small compared to the rest of the house. 

15. If you talk to dad at the kitchen table long enough after dinner sometimes you can find yourself with out any chores left. 

16. The 2 minute walk to take the compost to the chickens could very well be the longest walk in the world. 

17. Always go shopping with dad two days before Christmas. It's when he's feeling the most generous. 

18. If you EVER need to get on mom's good side clean the pantry or the fridge.
 Or promise Grandchildren.
19. Don't ever get a tattoo. And if you do? Repeat #18 for the rest of your life.

20. Always ask dad to write down his to-do list... or else you are bound to forget at least 12 things. 

Yeah, we're suuuupppperrrr fun.


  1. Sigh! This post makes me miss my brother and sister back in England... Sounds like you have a lot of fun with yours - Loved the tips too, many of them apply in my family, especially the dad thing!

  2. You are my favorite. Of all time.

  3. I'm surprised that escaping from a box with your hands duck taped didn't make this list. Or how to not get burned at the stake. Or that it's fun to get shot at with a paintball gun on your siblings' birthday. Hee hee!
