Sunday, September 2, 2012

Welcome To The World Baby Nephew!

Dear Baby,
My name is Hannah and I am your biggest fan.
I am also your auntie. 
Which doesn't mean much to some... 
but to me baby boy, you are my world. 
And that means that already I am planning for our future together.
Oh how I can't wait to take you on your first adventure camping in the woods.
I also can't wait to teach you all sorts of bad words so that you'll repeat them to your mommy and daddy.
I can't wait to snuggle with you and kiss your soft round cheeks, which are the most perfect things I have ever seen.
I can't wait to run around with you.
Teaching you the best places to hide at Full Belly Farm.
I can't wait to help you with homework and girl problems.
I will be there for you baby.
Through it all. 
I will hold your hand as we cross the street
and help you decide what car you should get.
I will wish you luck on tests and football games and first dates.
I will hold you in my arms when your momma is giving birth to a younger sister or brother for you to play with.
I will tell you you are my favorite. 
Because everyone deserves to hear it.
And because I will always mean it. 
I will love you forever, baby. 
You are the most precious thing in the whole wide world and I can't even begin to
describe how lucky you are to have chosen this family to live with for the next 18 years of your life. 
These two parents already love you more than any other thing in this world.
More than cooking or their dog Milo. 
They think you are the most perfect thing in the whole world. 
They couldn't stop staring at you when I saw you for the first time last night.
And I don't blame them. 
How could you possibly stop looking and stop loving a small person as perfect and squishy as you?
You don't. You just can't.
I love you to the moon and back again.

Love from,
Your auntie H. 

Born yesterday, September 1st, 2012. 
8 pounds 8 oz. 21 inches. 
Cutest baby boy in the world and my very first nephew.

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