Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I Miss My Home.

It's about that time. 
When classes get stressful, the weather is bleary and I haven't had a good home cooked meal in a couple of weeks...
When I start to miss my home. 
Well, who can blame me when all I have are pictures that make it look so God damn wonderful?
So, just so you can all feel really homesick with me, and so I can show off the beautiful place I call home... 
A few pictures of the coziest house on this side of the Mississippi. 

Get me there. 
Get me there now.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Things I Can't Stand.

I am a pretty tolerable person. 
To an extent. 
Then, if you screw up anything I'll hate your guts. 

Okay not really. 
But, some things just annoy me to the point that I actually do think of doing a hair-pulling-kick-your-teeth-out-come-any-closer-bozo-I'll-use-your-baby-maker-as-a-punching-bag maneuver that would bring even the kindest of people to their knees. 

I think I may be in a grumpy mood. 
Well, you know what they say? 
Cool off and write a blog about it.

I am very much aware of the fact that... no one I know says this.

Here it is, a list of things that piss me off on the regular. 

1. When guys refer to a girls period as her "issue" "that time of the month" "problem" "it" or any other hateful phrase. 
Yes, I understand it's not the cutest thing, but grow up, it shouldn't be that hard to come to terms with.

2. When girls randomly give you the stink eye at a party 
Uh, bitch, I don't know you but you should know that I'm not trying to sleep with your Fratty boys so continue your prowl and back the heck up. 

3. When people interrupt my movie by talking or by chewing so loud I can't hear the words. 
Really? You're going to interrupt me? NOW? Just shut the F* up and watch Ryan Gosling get his mack on. Damn boy.

4. Bejeweled butt pockets on bell-bottoms. Or any pants for that matter. 
Yeah 'cause those look fancy? No, they make your butt look like a prostitute.

5. Guys that talk in a gangster voice when they are some of the whitest kids you know. 
Seriously? You come from the suburbs. Your parents take you to church every Sunday. 
So I aint' trynna' hear you talk 'bout livin' in 'da Ghetto. 

6. People that get (actually)  pissed when you don't text them back.
No, I don't hate you, I just left my phone in my *Unbejeweled* pants pocket because I hate having to answer silly little questions like "yo, what up?"

7. People who are less competitive than me, but are better at sports/games than me. 
Seriously God? Give the talent to someone who will use it for evil instead of sweetness. Then I'll kick their ass and make them cry. Everyone wins. 

8. When girls drink flavored vodka. 
Lemon flavored? Really? Have some class. 

9. Anybody who acts like they know anything about farming. (Who is not a farmer.)
I am NOT AT ALL saying I know anything about farming, but people who start shoutin' out facts like they know their shit when the closest they've ever been to a farm is through meat they order at McDonald... than this girls got a problem.

10. And the big-y. Girls who wear NOTHING out on the weekends. 
It is seriously 30 degrees out, your legs look like a turkey that was freshly plucked and you think you look cute?? Just, stop. Go back home, rethink the skirt and put on some sneakers, because we both know you are going to lose those shoes drinking too much flavored vodka tonight anyway.  

I know I sound like a bitch. But that's only because I am acting like a total bitch. 
(name that movie guys...)

I really DO love girls most of them are sane and kind and nice, but there's the occasional rotten egg that makes my nose scrunch up in disgust. 

Okay, I need some sleep. I promise I will be in a happier and more kind mood tomorrow.

p.s. the movie's Mean Girls if you didn't get it.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Once Upon A Dress.

Once Upon A Dress.

My weekend with Bill, my N-B.B and his parents.

Long title for a long (yet wonderful) weekend. 

Yesterday I went to see Bill Cosby with my non-boyfriend boyfriend and his parents. 
They had gotten him tickets to see the show for Christmas and because he would rather DIE than go anywhere without me, I became his plus one.
When he came over to my apartment before the show I was kinda well, freaking out. Big time.
To put it bluntly. 
I don't know if I was nervous for "the meeting of the parents", or if it was just another one of "those days" but I could not pick an outfit for the life of me. 
And it didn't help that my Non-boyfriend boyfriend kept telling me I would look fine in anything I picked out, but to please hurry.
There is a right and wrong outfit. 
And to pick the wrong one in her mind would be disastrous.
Well, as it turned out what I wore was fine, no one seemed to notice much anyway. 
Maybe that's a good thing. 
Who knows. 

All I DO know is that Bill Cosby still has it. 
Even in his old age, he's one funny guy. 
I love the fact that comedians get paid to sit on a stage for two hours and talk about their lives. 
They really got it figured out. 

We went out to eat at a fancy-pancy restaurant and watched two men get incredibly intoxicated. 
First they knocked a wine glass full of wine to the floor as they reached for each other across the table.
(Then one stood up to leave and tripped and feel on his chair and hit the floor. HARD.) 
It was one of the saddest/wackiest things I have seen in a while. 
The parents were sweet. 
Son is just like Father.
Mother and I bonded over some cute/embarrassing stories of the Son. 
Food is delicious. 
Then we went back to my apartment had the perfect evening all to ourselves that included wine, Break the Safe, (which is an incredible board game that every couple should purchase) coming up with our own drinking games that included the pieces from Break the Safe and drawing on each other with markers. 
I drew a pretty RAD heart radish that couldn't be topped.

Overall, I would call that Saturday evening one of the better ones I've had in a while.

Now off to do homework and boring stuff. 

Oh wait, whats that I hear? You want to see a picture?
Here he is guys and gals the one, the only... Non-boyfriend boyfriend! 
Isn't he cute??????

Thursday, January 26, 2012

An Ode Of A Farmers Daughter (A Tale of Survival).

Right off the bat, I am telling you this: I do not claim to know the first thing about farming.

Sure, I grew up on a farm. 
And maybe I do know a little on the topics of soil types, legumes and plant identification...
But, I also know about as much on the topics of alcohol types, canned soup and Frat I.D. 
I'd say I'm a pretty bad farmer if I am one. 
But, I also can't avoid the fact that I know more than the average Jo when it comes to knowing names of trees I pass on I-Five. 

Here's my story.
When me and my friend were making the seven hour trip home from school for the holidays, 
(his trip was actually somewhere near 11 hours.)
 I came to the conclusion that I (Hannah Rose Muller) would be better off than most if there were to be some sort of strange epidemic in the United States. 

I often have these strange thoughts if I'm sitting in a car for too long listening to Christian Pop music.
(Don't ask.) 

What made this striking realization hit me you ask?
It was during one of our hours of driving (hour 4) when I started playing the "guess-that-plant" game with my pilot. 
I was co-pilot for the duration of the drive. 
(More on my fear of driving in another post)
We had just finished playing the
"relate-every-sign-you-see-to-Harry-Potter" game and we were looking for something new and exciting. 
(Or he was, I was completely happy with playing that game for 4 hours straight.)

Anyway, long story short...
He though I was pulling his leg (yeah, I know, who says that anymore?) when I said that I could indeed name most every tree and crop we passed. 
It had never occured to me that when some people are driving down a freeway or highway they don't say to themselves or their neighbors...

(okay, I'll admit I don't ever say that either, but, I at least know what it is!)

So, that's how I came to the conclusion that, given some horrible catastrophe I would fare alright. 
More so than the people who don't know that you can pop corn that's still on the cob. 
(dried of course, duh.) 
Or people who don't know how many teats a cow has.
Or, people who don't even know what a teat IS.

What it really comes down to is this, yeah, I may not know my flower families perfectly and I still have trouble picking a perfectly ripe watermelon...
(Yeah, yeah, dried tendrils I get it!)
but I have picked up on a lot from simply living a farming lifestyle for the last 19
(ALMOST 20) 
years of my life.

So, watch out vampires, zombies or aliens, because I'm not going down without a fight!

Things That My Parents Taught Me.

My parents are the best people in the whole word. 
Even people who aren't related to me will agree with that statement.
My Dad is serious, wise and a 100% farmer-man.
My Mom is kind, sweet and the hardest worker I know. 
They have been the strongest support system in my life and many other lives as well.
Each year new interns come to our farm and my parents take them in, love them, support them and teach them. 
Even if the individual doesn't leave our farm wanting to be a farmer, they leave with a sense of true community, hard work and friendship. 
We have an ongoing joke when all of the interns are sitting around eating dinner with us, where we ask my parents seriously. 
"What if all of these kids where yours?"
My dad flinches and act as if he could never imagine it and my mom just laughs.
But, the truth is, they are their kids. 
My parents have the most kids of anyone I know. 
Being the youngest of their actual children wasn't always easy.
There were times I would get jealous of the time and energy they spent on others.

My mom made a joke last summer that she thinks she may have actually spent more time with her cows over the years than with me.
It may be true, but in the little time that I do spend with them I learn some valuable lessons.

 I like lists, something about the neatness and organization of them. So here it is--
List number 500 on this blog I'm sure...

Things I've Learned From My Parents. 
(even if they didn't teach it to me)

1. Sitting down to dinner each night will bond a family forever.

2. The breeerrrr-brreeerrrrr of the coffee maker in the morning is one of the most soothing sounds. (That, and the rumble of the market truck at three in the morning.)
3. Hard physical work will make you into a truly solid individual.
(Totallyyy still learning this one.)

5. Sometimes you just suck it up, put a smile on, and do it. 

6. Planning a party where 4000 people invade your personal living space takes a lot of time and effort.

7. Love doesn't mean calling a person each night. It means having their back and hand when it counts most. 

8. True love forever does happen, it's hard work, it isn't always perfect, and it means you must learn forgiveness.

9. It takes more than parents and siblings to make a family.

10. Give. Give. Give. Give. 
Because the world should be built on people who think of others besides themselves.

I don't think my parents read this blog, but I know people who know my parents do. 
And they will know each one of these numbers on this list to be true.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I Miss This.

I miss playing soccer. 
I miss getting sweaty and dirty and having stinky feet after games. 
I also miss hanging out with my "BF"

Ignore the Oregon State P.J.s... I don't know what I was thinking...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Things That Are Awkward: Part Two.

You know how it goes.
Awkward things happen, I write about them. 

Here they are, top ten in all their glory. 
1. When two stomachs start a conversation and you feel left out. 

2. When you are lying down for your warm up in dance class and turn the wrong way and suddenly you are far to close and staring at the person next to you.
Um, Hi.

3. Morning Breath. 

4. Food Babies. Like, BIG ones. I'm talkin' twins.

5. When someone keeps sniffleling in your class.
And it's you. 

6. Squeaky boots that are really slippery and that make you fall.

7. Small head syndrome. 
I have this when I go to class in the morning because I wear an average of 8 layers of clothing.

8. My Math Teacher. 

9. How many times a day I lose my phone. 
Not cool. But also awkward. 

10. When the boy I like finally sees me with my "Natural" hair in the morning. 
He called me a lioness. 
I don't think that's a good thing. I think that's an awkward thing.

I think I'll keep him.

You all know Mr. Exclusive by now right?
Well, I'm thinking of changing his name to Mr. ExCUTEive. 
Because he's pretty cute.
And he does some awesomely and obnoxiously cute things. 
Things that, if happening to anyone else I might exclaim 'AWWWW', Or 'Gross!'. Depending on my current mush tolerance level. 

These days my tolerance level is at an all time high.  

Want a list and some pictures of a few reasons why I'll keep him around? 

1. He buys me flower. Yellow ones, because he knows I like them. 

2. He changed my laptop background when I was gone.
 (It's a picture of him, I would post it here, but I doubt that he would like that very much...)

3. He makes me food. Enough said.

4. He rubs my tummy when I'm not feeling good. 

5. He dresses up my stuffed bear and leaves little notes behind.

(Although he claims that it was the bears idea.)

6. He's taking me to see Bill Cosby. Actually, his parents are. 

7. He calls and actually leaves messages. 
(That all start with "Hey you." Which kind of creeps me out, but don't tell him that.)

8.  He hangs up score cards from when he beats me... 

(Okay, I could MAYBE do without this one.) 
9. This morning he told me I shouldn't go to class, I should say that I got caught in Devils Snare without my wand. 
Uhhhh, hello?? HP Reference while snuggling?? I almost dropped out of school altogether.

10. He hasn't gotten sick of me yet.
Pretty impressive in its self.

Okay, enough mush for one night...

On a more serious note, I have a LOT of homework to do.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Things That Make Me Happy.

Best Friends, Balloons, Love and Laughter.
I found this picture on my best friend's Facebook. 
We took it three(?) years ago at my friends birthday party. 
We had spent the whole day blowing up at leasssttt 100 balloons.
Then we dressed up in news paper, hid under the balloons and waited (a little longer than we had planned) until my other friend got home. 
Apparently she was having a bad day and this was just what she needed to cheer her up.
I love doing random acts of weirdness. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Just a Little Music to Get Me Through.

I know I should be studying right now, instead I am sipping wine from the bottle and listening to the Twilight sound track. 
A perfect Saturday night.
Tomorrow I am waking up at nine and going to the Library. 
I promise. 

Too Much Red?

I need all of your opinions. 
 This is a big deal guys...
Don't get it wrong now.

Is this too much red?
I can't decide. 
Email, comment or facebook me what you think please. 
K'thanks bye.

Date Numba' Three.

Yesterday was one of the best days I've had in a lonngggg while.
I had my third date with Mr. "Exclusive" last night. 
(Don't remember who I'm talking about?) Click here
And by here I mean on the "here."
I changed his name. As of last night we are "exclusive." 
So, want the lowdown on what went down? 

Here's the inside scoop.


We wanted last night to test our competitive sides. 
Seeing as we are both prerrtttyyy competitive people. 
(I once had a rage blackout after losing Spartarama (a high school competition) and threw my shoes at a boy's car because I thought he was mocking me.)
Last night I also wanted to throw something.
We were going to play The Farmin' Game (No, but seriously that's what its called.)
But THANKFULLY we couldn't figure out how expensive it was to buy hay to plant. 

"There aint no 'structions on these things!!"
Anyway, that lead to us just playing crazy eights. TEN ROUNDS of crazy eights. 
(which if you haven't played it it's exactly like Uno but with actual cards.)
We played TEN ROUNDS and I ended up loosing by over 100 points. 
Rage blackout anyone?
I wouldn't let him kiss me. I was far beyond pissed.
But, then we went and got milkshakes and burgers and fries at this really cute restaurant called Dicky Jo's in downtown Eugene and all was well again. 
We then came back to my apartment and played some more games. 
This one required us to be on the same team so all was well on the kissing front. 
Then we listened to music, drank wine and tried to fall asleep at a reasonable hour. 
This was after we got super sad/sleepy talking about the fact that I am leaving for Australia at the beginning of next term. 
That means we only have two months left together... More about Austalia later.
(My apartment complex had a different plan. MAN were they loud.) Ugh, who parties on a friday anymore?? 

Well, yeah. 
That was my perfect friday. 
I know it doesn't sound ALL that exciting, but to me, I couldn't have been happier, or more content or with a sexier and sweeter guy. 
All was well. 

I kinda like this guy a lot. 
Yeah, I mean you, Mr. Exclusive.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My connection to food.

In my Urban Garden class we were asked to describe our relationship/connection to food. Although my connection is much longer and fuller than what I wrote here, it had to be less than 400 words and this is what I came up with. 

My connection to food. 

I have lived on a 300-acre organic farm for the last nineteen years of my life.
The changing seasons have shaped me as much as they have the fruits.
I pray for rain, not because it makes me happy, but because I know it will make the plants grow.
I grew up surrounded by bounty, kindheartedness and sustenance.
I have studied the earth as much, if not more, than my textbooks.
I know what it means to live sustainably, to live naturally and to grow from the earth.
I am constantly craving strawberries, watermelon and cucumbers because I know how they are supposed to taste.
I know milk doesn’t come from a store, and believe it is my duty as an agrarian to inform others of that fact.
I am a farmer’s daughter, a future gardener and a current chef.
I love food and because of that, I know that I will always share a special connection to where it comes from. 
The earth is my home.

Butt Chin.

I don't take myself too seriously. 
Life is much more fun that way.
I know I am not perfect, I know I mess up and God knows I am learning new lessons each day. 
My ability to laugh at myself and to remember that people will continue to judge and hate me no matter how much I suck up to them is one of the most important lesson I've ever begun to learn. I say "begun" because I am constantly failing to stay true to myself at times.
For me, High School was a constant reminder of that lesson. 
I look back on that time with such sadness that I wasn't more comfortable in my own skin. 
I tried SO HARD to be everyone's friend, now I'm not saying kindness is a bad thing, what I am trying to say that you can't change someone's opinion of you. 
You can only laugh, role with the punches and remember to put all of your silly mistakes and imperfections in perspective.
No one is perfect. 
Everyone is weak.
Once you realize it, that's when things get interesting. 

So, all of this to say that I would like to point out a characteristic of mine which I have learned to love, even though it is my physical characteristic that I am most self conscious about. 
Here is a picture my sister took that highlights said feature. 

  There it is in all of it's glory. 
My butt chin.
It's huge. 
I have gotten soooooo much shit for it over the years.
I have had endless jokes, puns and hateful words spewed over the fact that I have a clef chin.

So folks, laugh it up. 
It's a beaut. 
I have grown to love it and nothing you say will change my mind.
Just like anything I say won't change YOUR mind.
We all have our weaknesses. 

Mine is the dimple on my chin.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Today's list of of things that are strange.

1.     The fact that my roommate has seen two cat ghosts in the past 24 hours.
      (and the fact that we both find it kind of normal.)

2.     When you are falling asleep and you twitch. Or make a grunting noise. Even more strange when you are with someone. 

3.     When girls from your high school graduating class are getting married and having babies around the same time you are going to writing 122 in college. 

4.     When you start planning weddings of random strangers on the street.

5.     The Facebook timeline. 

6.     Dreams. I had a dream that my mom bought my brother a bong for Christmas. WHERE does my brain come up with this shit??

7.     The fact that I even try to straighten my hair when I know fully well that by the time I come home I will look like Hermione. Embrace it Hannah. 

8.     The shit I learn in my Evolution of Human Sexuality class. Did you know that human men have two sperm ejaculation in their testes while Rams have 96? Yeah? Me neither. Nor did I care to. 

9.     When people you know, see you and make eye contact with you, then look away and pretend they didn’t see you while you are walking right by them. Cool. Thanks for making me feel like a nobody. 

10.  The fact that no one has invented a rain jacket for your backpack. Come on! Call it a jack-pack and everyone will buy one.Truuusstttt me. It's raining a LOT here.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Impress Me With Food.

My new 'Date Man' (we haven't had the "talk" about what we should call each other yet... *hint hint) said that I am only continuing to date him because he is a good (actually he is a GREAT cook but don't tell him that, okay?) cook. 
I am a terrible cook.
I fucked up the rice the last time that I was cooking dinner with him. 
That was my only job.
How does one even do that??
To be honest... (and he doesn't even know this.)
It's because there wasn't a one cup measurement... and I got confused on my fractions. 
Stupid Math!! Done it again.
Soooo yup. It's true. I am using him. 
But, I am pretty sure he is using me to get to my farm. 
Everyone does. 
Or my brother. 
Let's hope it's not that. 

Sooooo, Mr. Date Man make me these foods please.
I promise to kiss you.

Or just get me drunk.

Things I did today that were cool.

Ask any college student what they did for Martin Luther King Jr. day and it sure as hell won't be anything remarkable. 
Three day weekends just mean more procrastinating, drinking and sleeping.
True story.
Although I have been putting off homework for as long as possible I have done some preeettttyyy cool things today. 
Kind of a big deal. 

1. Today I went to Target and got a vacuum cleaner.
It is INCREDIBLE what a quick vumm will do to an apartment floor. Who knew?
Not us.

2. Today I watched the first episode of Downton Abbey. It was pretty cool. I'm a fan. But than again with my addictive personality it doesn't take much to get me hooked on a t.v. show. 

3. Today I cleaned the counter tops. Self explanatory. Now they are clean. Neat.

4. Today I told myself that I was going to wake up at nine, be in the library by ten, be out by three. Instead I went out to eat breakfast at twelve because I woke up at eleven and didn't go to the library at all. #winning

5. Today I bought thumb tacks. Now I can put things up everywhere.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Things that are awkward.

I am dedicating this post to things that are awkward in my life right now. Because there are (is?) a lot these days. Might as well own up to them now. As awkward as they are to talk about they are harder to ignore.

1. The fact that I might have to go get a slip that says I have a disability so I can take my math tests in the testing center. Or maybe it's the fact that I might actually have a math test disability that's awkward. Who the fuck has a math test disability?? (besides me) Awkward/I wonder if I could get free passes to the front of lines at amusement parks and good parking spots at Walmart.

2. The dinosaur arm. (When you are snuggling with someone and one of your arm is in an awkward position under you. What are you supposed to do with that thing??)

3. When you find yourself in your MIP diversion class with one of your FIG students. Good bonding/ SUPER awkward situation.

4. The first time you fart in front of the person you are dating. Confess or impress? That is the question. AWKWARD!

5. Poking wars on Facebook. Does anyone actually get a kick out of poke wars? What does it even mean?/stop poking me sir... it hurts. This back and forth thing we've got going on is just plain awkward.

6. When an acorn lands on your head on the way to class. No one sees it, you feel it, you cuss and yell. People think you are crazy. Shit's awkward.

7. When you dream dirty things about someone and then see them soon after.
(Ummmm is it just mean or is hot in here??/I really hope that they can't read my mind) Well, this is awkward.

8. Going shopping with someone who isn't buying anything, and you end up buying a lot, and then you look like a fat ass/rich bastard for buying anything. Gosh. So AWKWARD. Stop judging me!!

9. When you lift your arms up after winning a game of beer pong and realize that you forgot to wear deodorant for your night out. Winning/losing.


It's snowing here in Eugene and our Apartment complex has the perfect common room for homework and snowflake watching. 
I love the snow. 
It is magical and beautiful. 
It dances in the wind and whips every which way. 
It makes any day or place look more incredible and just might be more romantic than rain in my opinion. 
I am having the best Sunday sitting here in my p.j.s watching the ground outside get more and more white as the day continues.
My camera is all out of batteries. Boo. 
I wanted to share this magical moment with all of you.
But instead here's a picture from the train ride back up to Oregon. 
I woke up to this outside my window.
I thought I might be dreaming.

Wow. Just wow.

I'm going to say it. 
I am going to say it, knowing full well that the boy I am about to talk about reads this blog regularly.
Where to start? 
How about here-- I am crushing hard. 
Really hard. 
He is funny, sexy and weird.
He eats organic, local and has his own garden.
(All of these things are SUPER sexy, duh.)
He treats me like I am as special as a four leaf clover.
He is older. 
(Gasp! Call the National Guard!)
He makes me feel things I don't remember ever feeling. 

Okay, enough boosting his ego. 
I would like to take you through my week of getting to know him better. 
(Skipping some of the scandalous parts of course.)

First a little back story.
In the beginning of September I went to a Farm to School meeting to get involved with school gardens and to be honest... I don't remember much about the night.
I wrote some notes, and I vaguely remember there being about three guys at the meeting. 
Fast forward a couple of days and I get a message from a guy on Facebook saying he remembered my name from the meeting and thought I looked "cool". Later, I confirmed that he actually meant to write "cute" and "awesome" but whatever.
I added him. 
That's when the facebook stalking took full affect. He would like a picture randomly. He liked a few of my status and would randomly pop up on my news feed, always making me curious about him of course, but not enough to investigate further. 
Long story short, we messaged a few times... Got to know each other more, I realized about the time that he quoted Old School and Wedding Crashers like a pro, that things may just work out.
We made plans to meet for coffee, in fact, we made four dates right off the bat. 

1. Coffee date.
2. Dinner, movie and fort building. 
3. Competitive sports playing. (He thinks he may be more competitive than me. Pssshhhh)
4. Trip to the Ocean. 

Well, lets just say our first date went smashingly. The coffee was delicious. Followed by a romantic walk around down town. It didn't end with a kiss... BUT that night we met up after our separate party goings and ended up kissing under a light on the side walk. (Usually not a fan of P.D.A but YUM. )
Next few days were filled with us hanging out, mostly on my bed. (Not like that sick-os) 

Then last night was DATE NUMBER TWO!! 
Time to turn up the heat. (Literally it's freezing here)
Here are some pictures of my outfit. 
Silly I know.

Super stoked as you can tell.

He picked me up at five. Brought me to his house, cooked dinner for me. Chicken, rice, potatoes and mushrooms.
(This girl was FRICKIN' impressed.)
By the end of the night I was watching Tommy Boy in a fort in his room. 
I'd call that a successful night.
Next morning?
Guys, (if there are any that read this thing...) one thing that makes a girl fall to mush in your hands?
Cooking her breakfast. 
We then snuggled, talked and went on a walk into town and ate a delish lunch 
(Perfect hangover food for the girl who ended up getting a little drunk. )
Then we shared a piece of chocolate cake.
Well, I got home a while ago and I have to say, I kind of miss him already.
Yeah. I'm crushing hard, people. I am aware. 
Welp, more on date numba' three at another time I'm sure. 
As of now I am going to rehash the last perfect 24 hours of my life.
And eat something.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


           After biking home from class today, I stumbled into my apartment, shook off my shoes and crawled into bed. Even as I write this, my eyes are red and puffy, my heart is beating irregular and my lungs feel like they are hiding under a 50-ton bolder. Today was not my day. Everyday is not my day when it comes to math.
Let me rewind a bit. I am taking Math 95 (pretty much the lowest placement you can get in college, it doesn’t even count for college credit but I have to take it for my major. What kind of BS is that?) AGAIN because I failed it last winter.
If I rewind further you get a series of disastrous test scores on the SAT, brown-nosing to the teachers in my High School so I could get a B in the class when I would seriously fail every major test, and even farther back than that you get me as a homeschooled jungle freak who only knew the eights times tables because she made up a song to go with it. No joke. I did that. 
Anyway, my day was a “horrible, no good very bad day” because of one simple (that’s not the word I would ever use though) math quiz.  Here is how it went down. I read my book, reviewed the problems, did some practice tests and felt confident about the upcoming three-problem quiz. I sat down in the desk, the teacher came in, asked us to put our books away and handed us our tests. 
            That’s when shit got crazy. I looked at the first problem and felt my face get flushed. My hands got sweaty and all of my regularly active brain juices evaporated as if it was a bowl of water in the Sahara desert. My feet began to sweat profusely about the same time the words and letters on the page began to blur. That’s when things got really messy. My lungs wouldn’t provide my brain oxygen, my heart started racing faster than when I kissed my first crush. My stomach was churning at an immense rate, if I had drank milk before class it would have turned to butter. I felt sicker than when I ate three hot dogs in a row for a bet. And then I actually had to TRY to do the stupid test. I ended up writing down a few words/numbers and turning it in later than most everyone else in the class. Crushed that any idea of me getting a good grade on the quiz, let alone the class seeing as this week just review. That’s when the tears started rolling down my face.
I walked home after class, walking my bike beside me because I thought there was a serious chance I might run into someone or something if I tried to ride while tears were streaming down my flushed face.
The moral of this story? I get to do it all again next week. Oh good.

Sweet Texts.

Wanna run away today?

We can go to the ocean and play in the sand.

We’ll create castles with our minds as we sit holding hands.

We’ll build forts with our blankets to keep out the wind.

I’ll forget a world is out there, and get lost in your promising grin.

I’ll count your freckles one-by-one as we loose our minds together.
I want to share a treasured moment that is yours and mine, forever.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Red Wine.

Red Wine.

Quba strapless cocktail dress
$259 - frockaholics.com

Formal evening gown
$74 - pacificplex.com

Valentino bow pumps
$745 - valentino.com

Jules Smith bangles jewelry
£85 - flannelsfashion.com

My Winter Term

I love my class schedule so far!
Here is what my week looks like:

  • 10-11:50 Urban Garden Class (Oh heyyyyyy dirt and rain!)
  • 1-1:50 Modern Dance Class (I am in love with this class already.)
  • 2-3:20 Sociology (American Cultures) The professor reminds me of the Quaker Oats guy. Seems like a super interesting class.
  • 4-4:50 Math 95... Again. I don't think I told you all this but I failed my first class last year, it was my math class and so I now need to take it again. (INFORM THE GUARD! HANNAH MULLER FAILED A CLASS!!) If only the people in my high school could see me now. I am seriously considering dropping out of college just so I don't have to take this class. My mom says if I fail it again I have to pay for the class... which is totally understandable butttt just in case... ummm does anyone have 450 dollars in their pocket they wanna hand over?
  • Library time and Blog updates
  • 2-3:20 Anthropology Class (Evolution of Human Sexuality) I have a feeling I am going to be blushing a lot in this class. I am blushing as I think about it. I'll be sure to update you all on the interesting topics of discussions. pee-pees and whoo-haas and all that junk.
  • Math 95 again... Kill me now. 
  • Gym or some sort of exercise.(My favorite kind being the sleep kind)
And repeat.

I have no classes on friday which is incredible. I plan on going to the library for large chucks of time to knock out all my homework... and try to NOT be lying in my bed at 12 watching the latest Vampire Diaries. Well see how that works out. I have self control somewhere in my body... If only I knew how to access it. Hummmmm, Too bad that's not a class offered here at the U of O.
It is going to be a really difficult term I can already tell, but I am looking forward to it with every inch of my body. Last year I was fighting to not nap ALL day, this winter I'll be lucky if I get to sleep in past nine. (Wow, Yeah I know. Early. )
So, where to begin. Since I've been back up here it's been a whirl-wind of activities. I went on a date with a boy... Now, let me tell you a bit about the guy because... well, I kinda like him. :) (Yes I did just make a smiley face with my computer)

Acutally, no. I'll save that for another post, keep you guys guessing, you know?
Ta-ta for now.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I'm Back!

I am back to cold weather.
To books and studying.
To boys and dreaming.
To eating out and eating late.
To giggling with the roommates.
To long walks and even longer adventures.
To cozy beds and soft covers.
To cold kitchens and warm layers. 
To a new term and new books. 
To long nights in the library.
To missing my family.
To a guy... (more about that some other time)
To time to write and draw.
To a new and exciting year in a home I love lots and a school I can't get enough of, with people who make me smile and classes that make my brain hurt. 
HUZZAH for you.