Saturday, September 29, 2012


I am feeling feisty today.
So I thought I would take a photo booth picture. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Random thoughts on life today

I LOVE seeing people I used to know in my "past life" 
I.E. my freshmen and sophomore year. 
I love, love, love having conversations with people who think that they know me as one thing. 
I love it because I love proving peoples opinions of me wrong.
No, I am not the same girl I was two years ago. 
I am not the same girl I was two WEEKS ago. 
I have made it my life goal to confuse people. 
I will wear "hippy" clothes with pride, then turn around the next day and wear short skirts and high heels. 
Just because.
I don't define myself.
I can't.
 I don't know how.
I have too many sides to my personality. 
I believe that if I were a little bit crazier I could very easily have multiple personalities.
I love babies. 
I love weddings. I love weeding. 
I love hiking. I love fashion. 
I love working. I love money. 
I love romance. I love dirt. 
I love dancing. 
I love SO many things. 
Why stick myself in a defined category that will limit myself and my options?
Why dress a certain way? When I could dress every way? 
Why do the things that people expect me to do?
When I don't want to. 
Yes, I grew up on a farm. That doesn't mean I can't love shopping. 
Yes, I love shopping that doesn't mean I can't love hiking. 
Don't put me into a box. 
Don't think you know me.
Because if you say "oh, that's such a Hannah thing to do..." 
Boy will I prove you right... or wrong. 
I am always changing, always morphing, always learning. 

I am always being. 


Have a great Thursday!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Kickin' it old school.

I am so in love with these three thrift-ed items in my wardrobe. 
I wore them out last night and got so many fun compliments!
earrings from a vintage sale in Seattle.
American flag shoes were spotted at a vintage store in Seattle.
Jean mans shirt from a thrift shop on the coast of Oregon.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Double take

I am meeting my freshmen today! 
I am an "adviser" for freshmen in the Urban Garden class, meaning I help them with homework, adjust to the college life and plan events and outings for them. 
I am so excited to get this term rolling and this is the first step! 
I took a picture this morning... then that made me remember that I did the same thing last year. 
What do you think? 
Do I look any different?
Last year!

This year!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My new home.

I am calling it the hundred acre woods. 
What do you think? 
Should I paint over the forest? 
Or embrace it with some fur and maybe a deer head?

Falling Fast.

The crispness in the air.
The gray sky.
The smell of chi. 
The smell of brown leaves...
It's coming. 
Fall is coming. 
It has always been my favorite season. 
What is not to love?
The layers, the way that the morning air wakes you up, the football and the cozy bed snuggling.
I love fall. 
I love the colors.
 I love when I can wear wool socks once more, when I can pull out my scarves and plaid and bundle up. 

It's here. 
Happy FALL!

Monday, September 17, 2012

A flower for you my dear


Today I went walking. 
When I walk, I think about my life... 
Sometimes it makes me sad. 
Not today. 
Today, I realized once again just how fucking fortunate I am. 
I am seriously the luckiest girl in the world. 
I have a kind, loving and beautiful family. 
I am strong. I am confident.
I am SO blessed to be in Oregon. 

I am ALIVE. 

So, why NOT be happy. 
I started smiling. 
I started picking wildflowers and handing them to people I passed. 
I started walking slower. 
I started looking up, instead of down. 
I looked around and realized, again, how beautiful everything was. 
I love when the sun is out.
I love when people hold hands. 
I love when you can tell someone is in love. 
I LOVE when people smile back at me. 
I love doing random acts of kindness to the people who need to be reminded 
Because, boy, is life good. 
Please, if there's one thing that I want YOU, who ever you may be... to remember is that.
Life is happiness.
Life is rain in the fall.
Life is that one cloud in an endless blue sky. 
Life is the baby nephew that is growing bigger each day.
Life is flying by. 
Don't waste it in misery. 
Don't waste it with sleep.
Don't waste the moments you'll remember when you're old.
Don't waste the dark pink sunsets and the sweet deep kisses. 
It's too great. 
Have a good day! 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Hiking the PCT

Dear PCT,
We are not that experienced, we are young, out of shape and tired. We want to have a safe, fun and beautiful trip for the next 120 miles. We would like to have a clear and well marked trail on (preferably) snow-less ground. We would like to get along and have a friendly time with animals as well as people. We would like to stay away from all bears and rain. We would like to feel healthy everyday, and leave this trip with new muscles and a new sense of love for the outdoors. We are so excited to begin this journey and we can not WAIT to begin hiking your trail tomorrow. Hopefully all of those requests are do-able, if not... please, above all else, keep us safe.

With much love and dedication,
The snails, Hannah, Cassidy and Christiana. 

Dear tomorrow,
Please, Please, Please be as wonderful as today. Let us walk, talk and laugh as hard as we did today. Let us feel confident as we walk down the ever-changing and ever-wonderful trail of the PCT.
Thank you for a fantastic day filled with beautiful wildflowers, smiles, lakes and sweaty boobs. It was a great day. Let's do it again tomorrow.

With love and greasy hair...
The Snails, Hannah, Cassidy and Christiana.

More pictures and writing soon!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The simplicity of the silhouette

For the last two days, I have been designing the backdrop for the 25th annual 
main stage. 
Go to the website and check it out! 
Or better yet, preorder your tickets and get a tee-shirt
(which I designed)
I can not WAIT for this years Hoes Down, each year gets better and better... 
And this year is NO exception, I know because the farm is already in full preparation mode.
But more on that later... 
Right now I want to talk about those beautiful dancing people...
I love the simplicity of the Hoes Down logo. 
Those 8 people have so much energy and detail, while at the same time, not overwhelming the viewer with chaos or "over-detailing" which takes away from the whole scene. 
I am always trying to draw and paint silhouettes for my room.
I think they are so fun (and simple)! 
I can't wait to upload pictures of my work on the backdrop so far!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Welcome To The World Baby Nephew!

Dear Baby,
My name is Hannah and I am your biggest fan.
I am also your auntie. 
Which doesn't mean much to some... 
but to me baby boy, you are my world. 
And that means that already I am planning for our future together.
Oh how I can't wait to take you on your first adventure camping in the woods.
I also can't wait to teach you all sorts of bad words so that you'll repeat them to your mommy and daddy.
I can't wait to snuggle with you and kiss your soft round cheeks, which are the most perfect things I have ever seen.
I can't wait to run around with you.
Teaching you the best places to hide at Full Belly Farm.
I can't wait to help you with homework and girl problems.
I will be there for you baby.
Through it all. 
I will hold your hand as we cross the street
and help you decide what car you should get.
I will wish you luck on tests and football games and first dates.
I will hold you in my arms when your momma is giving birth to a younger sister or brother for you to play with.
I will tell you you are my favorite. 
Because everyone deserves to hear it.
And because I will always mean it. 
I will love you forever, baby. 
You are the most precious thing in the whole wide world and I can't even begin to
describe how lucky you are to have chosen this family to live with for the next 18 years of your life. 
These two parents already love you more than any other thing in this world.
More than cooking or their dog Milo. 
They think you are the most perfect thing in the whole world. 
They couldn't stop staring at you when I saw you for the first time last night.
And I don't blame them. 
How could you possibly stop looking and stop loving a small person as perfect and squishy as you?
You don't. You just can't.
I love you to the moon and back again.

Love from,
Your auntie H. 

Born yesterday, September 1st, 2012. 
8 pounds 8 oz. 21 inches. 
Cutest baby boy in the world and my very first nephew.