Sunday, January 29, 2012

My weekend with Bill, my N-B.B and his parents.

Long title for a long (yet wonderful) weekend. 

Yesterday I went to see Bill Cosby with my non-boyfriend boyfriend and his parents. 
They had gotten him tickets to see the show for Christmas and because he would rather DIE than go anywhere without me, I became his plus one.
When he came over to my apartment before the show I was kinda well, freaking out. Big time.
To put it bluntly. 
I don't know if I was nervous for "the meeting of the parents", or if it was just another one of "those days" but I could not pick an outfit for the life of me. 
And it didn't help that my Non-boyfriend boyfriend kept telling me I would look fine in anything I picked out, but to please hurry.
There is a right and wrong outfit. 
And to pick the wrong one in her mind would be disastrous.
Well, as it turned out what I wore was fine, no one seemed to notice much anyway. 
Maybe that's a good thing. 
Who knows. 

All I DO know is that Bill Cosby still has it. 
Even in his old age, he's one funny guy. 
I love the fact that comedians get paid to sit on a stage for two hours and talk about their lives. 
They really got it figured out. 

We went out to eat at a fancy-pancy restaurant and watched two men get incredibly intoxicated. 
First they knocked a wine glass full of wine to the floor as they reached for each other across the table.
(Then one stood up to leave and tripped and feel on his chair and hit the floor. HARD.) 
It was one of the saddest/wackiest things I have seen in a while. 
The parents were sweet. 
Son is just like Father.
Mother and I bonded over some cute/embarrassing stories of the Son. 
Food is delicious. 
Then we went back to my apartment had the perfect evening all to ourselves that included wine, Break the Safe, (which is an incredible board game that every couple should purchase) coming up with our own drinking games that included the pieces from Break the Safe and drawing on each other with markers. 
I drew a pretty RAD heart radish that couldn't be topped.

Overall, I would call that Saturday evening one of the better ones I've had in a while.

Now off to do homework and boring stuff. 

Oh wait, whats that I hear? You want to see a picture?
Here he is guys and gals the one, the only... Non-boyfriend boyfriend! 
Isn't he cute??????

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