I am a happy person. I smile often, and laugh without holding back. I have family, friends and neighbors that I love. I try to always live in the moment. I can find joy in my mistakes, as well as my accomplishments. I try to always resolve conflicts within my friendships. I eat what will makes me feel good about myself. I don't hold grudges because I know that life is too short to stay mad. I spend time within nature to remind myself of how small I am. I try to give back to the earth as much as possible. I wonder and dream. I create art and express myself through creative expression.
We live in a world where it is not only possible, but thought normal to hate yourself, your friends and strangers. We live in a world where finding flaws in others characters is an every day occurrence. A world where family members hate each other, and hold grudges that keep them from talking for years on end. We live in a world where food does not nourish our bodies, but helps to destroy it. A world where where being happy and smiling to others is considered strange. A world where we have GOOD days. This is a world where conflict is resolved through violence. We live in a world where destruction of the earth is deemed progress. A world where sitting in each others company is not enough, we must be in more places than the present.
I find it hard to remind myself that I am different. I find it a struggle everyday to stay true to what I believe. I find my smile sagging, my hopes crushed. When this happens- I start with the good. As we are already surrounded with bad. I start with the little things. I remember my family, the ones that make me laugh. I listen to nature- reminding myself that I am a small piece in this large puzzling world. I learn to laugh at myself. I find a new way to enjoy my time. I eat a new food. I make myself find ten things I love about myself. I find ten things I like in someone else. At times it may be a struggle, at times it may be easier to conform to anger, to hatred. Yet, when I imagine a world, when I choose to live another day the way I was raised, the way that makes me feel good about myself. I can see that one day, others... they may not change, but they will begin to take notice to the small things. They will not take for granted the ones that care for them, the ones that make them smile. They will choose to see that the earth that we live on is sacred, and should be treated as such.
They will be happy.
"Let us be grateful for people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
-Marcel Proust
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