Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's Times Like These...

Gosh, it's times like these that I really wish that I knew how to play an instrument. 
Any instrument really. 
But mostly guitar. 
The funny thing is, I bet if I HAD a guitar I could learn how to play it, picking up instruments and learning to play them quickly runs in my family... 
(Okay, really it's mostly my brother, but I bet I could do it too if I tried) 
I have a really fun and catchy poem/song that I have suck in my head and I really wish that I could put it together with some tunes 
(other than my obnoxiously horrible singing voice)

Well, here it is, maybe one of you knows how to play and can mess around with a tune. 
Good luck. 
I'll just be sitting here wishing...

A love like ours.

No ones known a love like ours
A love that heals our wounded hearts
A constant kiss upon our lips.
An angles touch to our fingertips.

No ones known a love like ours.
A love that heals our battle scars.
A love that stays when the world goes dark.
The kind that’s shown without remarks.

No ones known a love like ours.
A love that mends our broken hearts.
Our love reminds us we’re not alone.
It’s a guiding light that brings us home.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Meet the Roommate.

Alright, I have put it off long enough. 
It's about time that I tell you about my roommate. 
Because my roommate is awesome. 
Simply put. 
But, to the ordinary eye, her awesomeness might somehow get overlooked at first.
Horrible, but true.
So to help you all understand her greatness and for the sake of entertainment...
I have constructed a Roommate time-line. 
And a few pictures to liven it up...
I was just going to use horrible pictures of the two of us, because I have enough to blackmail her for a life time...
But in the sake of being kind, and the fact that I don't ever want her future employer to know I have some pictures of her doing questionable things... I will save us both and keep them off the interweb. 
So, let the story begin!
It all started two years ago. 
September 20th... I think. When I had my first thought. 

Damn, this girl is tall. 
Damn, this girl is going to be living with me for a whole year.

Damn, this girl is freaking sarcastic. 

Damn, this girl can DRINK!

Damn, this girl is brilliant. 

Damn, this girl likes Justin Beiber just as much as I do.

Damn, this girl is awesome. 
Damn, this girl could possibly be my best friend. 

Damn, this girl is competitive. 
Damn, this girl is going to be in my wedding.

Damn, this girl is good at beer pong.
Damn, I am really going to miss this girl when I'm gone.

No, but in all honesty, Ellen, my roommate has been there for me through one of the most awkward transitions of my life. She has seen me go from a girl fresh out of high school... who made stupid mistakes and couldn't keep up with the roommates wit, to a slightly more focused, a lot more witty and prettier, sophomore.
She calls me out on my shit. She lets me know when I make stupid decisions and look silly in an outfit. She cooks me dinner and snuggles with me when I am a bit intoxicated. 
I know she will always have my back, because we lived too close to each other for a year, that NOT having her back would be impossible...
She knows that I will always have HER back, whether it's finding her perfect man, or punching someone in the face when they call her a tall bastard. (true story) I am already planning her wedding and planning how she is going to fit into the rest of my life. 
 I am so glad I got randomly selected to room with the tall, ginger-by-choice, sarcastic, brilliant and goofy girl that continues to be one of my greatest friends. 
I am going to miss her like crazy come spring time!  
( I know full well that she is cringing at the amount of sap that is in this post)
It is true. Our whole relationship is built on the fact that we can yell, kick and ditch the other, so me being this sweet and caring is really something new.
But, it had to be done eventually.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sometimes Weekends Are Too Short.

We all have those weekend we never want to see end.
The kind that make you wish Friday, Saturday and Sunday could be on a constant repeat button. 
The kind of weekend that make you HATE Sunday nights and YEARN for Thursday nights.
I just had one of those weekends. 
It was by far the happiest, most productive, most giggly and smiley and sunshiny I have been (and seen) in a LONG time. 
It was so, so good
I actually wanted to get up early so I would have more hours in the day.
I snuggled with lambs and with my sister and mom. 
I ate wonderful food in extremely large amounts.
I stayed up late, not to check my facebook, or to watch a movie on netflix, but to spend one last second laughing and talking with my friends. 
I got to sit in the sun, drinking a beer while doing some School reading. 
I got to eat oranges and asparagus and steak fresh from the farm...
I got to watch my beautiful friend give one of the most powerful speeches I have heard in a long time.
(My best friend Cassidy is a Senior this year and competed in the 97th Annual Almond Queen Pageant. She was running against some other incredible talented and beautiful girls and made me and her family proud by being first runner up!)  

I had a perfect weekend and yet,
After I got done with the 14 hour train ride back up to Oregon...
 I was walking around campus today and it still felt like home.
I was still wickedly giddy to see familiar faces on my way to classes and even more excited to see my roommates.
I have three more weeks up here until I am gone for spring term. 
I had the funnest time this weekend, but these next weekends are going to be jam packed...
I am going to make them
Filled with memories that I can keep with me where ever I go.
I may miss my family and home when I am away up here at school, but I know that Eugene is just as much my home and family-- so I need to make some lasting adventures these next couple weeks that I can keep in my mind where ever this spring term leads me.
 (But before we go anywhere, here are a few pictures of my no particular order Enjoy!)


Dear Farm, Family and Friends,
You are the best in the world.
Thank you for filling my heart with passion,
my mind with goodness
and my soul with joy
You are the keepers and holder of my happiness.
You make me realize over and over again just how much I love life.
Thank you for creating a nest of warmth I can look forward to coming home to. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Best News.

I am going home. 
In less than two hours. 

I also just heard through the grapevine that J.K. Rowling will be publishing a new book. 
I really can't tell you which I am more excited about... 

I just wish I could disapperate to my home....

See ya' later!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I couldn't wait. Tattoo redone.

Sorry, for all of these annoying tattoo blogs, but I got so inspired after posting that last one that I went to work on perfecting it. 
P.S. Thanks for those who commented. 

In the ones with the "Momento Vivere" I was messing around with adding a dandelion to it... Just a thought.

Again, for all those reading that may be shaking their head saying "don't do it Hannah" drawing these out does not mean I am going to get it... 
I simply got inspired. 
Have a good night!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Here it is folks. Tattoo Idea numba' two.

This one isn't my favorite one that I've drawn... But, it's the only one I took a picture of. 
Clever right guys?? 
Because I am from a farm... so, the heart beet (like HEARTBEAT) can symbolize love or/and rooted veggies... 
and remember your "roots", like my family, farm, home, veggies, values and morals. 
I don't know where or when I though of the idea... 
But I'm really digging it at the moment. 
Get it??
"Digging" it 
I crack myself up. 
Tell me what you think. 
Or don't.
 I'm pretty sure I'll like it no matter what.
 Ideas on where a cool place would be to get it?

Tatoo Inspiration

I have taken up drawing my newest and most awesome tattoo idea in class. 
I am in love with it. 
I am going to post a picture as soon as I get home... but for now, here are some great and interesting tattoo inspirations that I am currently obsessed with.
 (No, these ideas DO NOT mean I will be permanently attaching them to my skin, but they are pretty to look at and draw.)
I understand that a lot of people have big problems with tattoos and think they are trashy...
(See my first tattoo)
(Not saying that the tattoo it's self is trashy, I'm saying that most of my family think tattoos are trash)
And for the most part, I agree, but there are some that really connect with me. 
So, for those who I am offending by posting this... #sorryimnotsorry


Oh and I got all of these pictures from Pinterest if you are interested in checking them out...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Guest Post: How cool is my sister?

I have the coolest sister. She is smart, kind, beautiful, and wise. She can make a room full of people laugh, can snuggle like a champ on Christmas morning (or any morning, for that matter), has the cutest little tiny butt, and she has so, so much heart. And, to top it off, yesterday was her birthday!

I love telling (and hearing) birth stories on birthdays. Partly because I am obsessed with babies, but mostly because each birth is unique- and hot damn, a baby being born is such a freaking miracle! Being older (and wiser, and smarter, and cuter... ) than my baby sister, I was lucky enough to be present at her birth- and really remember it. What a special night it was!

The day my beautiful sister was born was pretty uneventful. I remember spending a lot of time with my older and younger brothers, fairly clueless about what was going to happen. Sister made her way into the world pretty much like she faces each morning– sleepy, quiet, and pretty calm (she is calm ONLY when nobody wakes her up before she is ready- otherwise... WATCH OUT!). She was born at home, in my parent's bedroom, with her oldest brother and sister watching, helping, and coaching (and trained midwives and my dad, too. We aren't THAT weird!). I have vivid memories of my mom squeezing my hand and my brother yelling "JUST PUSH, MOM!" (Okay- maybe we ARE that weird...) And then she was here. And my whole life changed.

She was perfect. Small. Cute (she was born pretty- who does that?!?). She had the sweetest little face and hands and belly and I just wanted to spend all day and night kissing, holding, and squeezing her.

And now, 20 years later, she has grown into a wonderful woman. Sister cares about other people more than most I know. She has a bewitching power over boys. She loves to be different. She seeks and sees the good in people. She has the strongest convictions and the best heart. She envisions her life in a beautiful way. She doesn't love work. She doesn't really know how to cook that well. She loves to eat things that come out of a can (but has difficulties if that can doesn't have 'structions). She isn't really good at math.

But she is my sister.

And she is the coolest.

Love, A Very Proud Big Sister who hacked her Sister's blog. Bwhahahahaa! 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

My 20 Years in Review.

It's my birthday. 
(I didn't really mean that. You are all kind and sweet individuals.) 
wanna hear a true story?
My birthdays are always awesome. 
I'm not lying folks. 
I'm taking legendary. 
From a young age I have loved the ideas of having AWESOME birthday parties.
Because really? What's more fun than celebrating yourself?
That's what. 
I have had food fights, pizza making competitions, a Grease themed dance party, surprise parties... 
You name it. 
Each year the celebration is exactly what I want and need. 
Maybe they aren't always perfect...
(exhibit last year) 
Sweet Baby.
Let's just say, I will regret not eating anything but a blue slushy before "celebrating" for the rest of my life. 

But, guys. 
The good news is that I am alive. 
And sitting here now, I can say that I learned my lesson and I don't plan on ever doing that ^ again.  
This year proved I am growing up... 
A little.  

I have had such a fun weekend already!
(The pictures will come later. Don't worry.)

But, before my actual birthday blog post I wanted to do a quick life review.
In 20 lines. 
Because I am 20.
And it's my birthday.
(See above) 


1. I have traveled to Italy, Switzerland, Mexico, Costa Rica and Canada.
2. I have moved out of the state of California.
3. I have been published on multiple Harry Potter websites.
4. I have danced in multiple performances in front of large crowds.
5. I have gotten implants. (Teeth implants that is...)
6. I have fallen asleep outside with friends.
7. I have gone skinny dipping too many times to count.
8. I have eaten a whole watermelon by myself in one sitting.
9. I have lived with someone in a 12 by 24 foot room for a year.
10. I have laughed until my whole body shook.
11. I have kissed a boy in the rain.
12. I have learned to love myself.
13. I have permed my hair... Don't, just don't.
Damn, I'm old.
14. I have gotten a tattoo.
15. I have seen my siblings fall in love.
16. I have eaten LARGE amounts of GREAT food.
17. I have slept. A lot.
18. I have made it rain. (Rain dance skills guys. Not kidding)
19. I have met and memorized the names of over 600 campers
20. I have gone white water rafting. Many times in fact. 

It's crazy to think that in another 20 years I'll be 40
I'll be married, have kids, traveled and sky dived... 
and I'll have an enormous amount to add to that list.

But, as of now, I have to say...
I like my life so far.

Thanks for being in it.


Thursday, February 16, 2012


Ever loved a song but not understood the lyrics?
Not just what they meant, but what the singer was singing...
Yeah, I guess I'm not the only one.
It's like, 
"when a girl walks in with an ittybitty waist and a round thing in your face"
you get...

What the hell does SPRUNG mean? 
Is it slang for something?
 Or have I been singing the wrong words for my whole life?
Which is totally possible.
I mean, I did think that the lyrics 
"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.."
"My milkshake RINGS all the boys to the yard.."

I finally HAD to ask someone was the hell a milkshake ring was. 
My life sometime. 
Anyway, it just got me thinking that as much as you love something you could be wrong. 
(Gosh, soooo many Mean Girl quotes in this post) 
You could have had the wrong idea about something all along.
And only THINK that it's one thing, when really it's something else. 

Like, the song 
Drops of Jupiter? 
I seriously ONLY know the lyrics 
"Drops of Jupiter in her hair, heyyy yeahhhh eyahhhh yahhh" 

Just goes to show you.
That I think I might be high. 

Anyway, in other news, I am going to go get a FIVE DOLLAR FOOTLONG!

This is a stupid post.


My Brothers.

By now, you all should realize that I am super homesick. 
But, what exactly am I homesick for? 

It's not my HOME...
It's not my bed, because God knows that my bed in Oregon is twice as big, comfortable and cozy.
It's not the loud noises...
(Although I do miss the sounds of tractors starting up at six and chickens crowing in the morning...)
Yes. They actually do that. 
But they also crow at night and during the day. 

What do I miss? 
Well, besides home cooked meals, I miss my family. 
Mostly, at times like these, I miss my brothers. 
 Yes. Sappy I know. 
But, it's because
My brothers are the best. 
I don't really know why I don't use peoples names on this thing...
Maybe it started as a way to protect privacy, but now it's just become a burden. 
So, to hell with it!
I am going to use their names. 
Because, most of you all know their names anyways. 
 And those of you who don't know them, should. 

My two brothers names are Amon and Rye. 
Rye (like the grass) is twenty-two.
Amon (like the nut, but not.) is twenty-seven.

I am going to talk about Rye today.
 Because just one of them is enough to handle in one post. 
Now, a bit of background for you all. 
First off... Rye: Or, as I used to call him: Rye-Rye.
No, this isn't what he looks like all the time.

Growing up, Rye and I were not exactly what you could call friends. 
I think it had to do with the fact that I HAD to spent most of my time hanging out with him when we were home schooled together. Up until sixth grade for him... but there was a time when we both HATED each other. I mean, despised each other.
(I remember the first (and only) time I got my mouth washed out with soap. I had called Rye an Asshole, and he went crying to my mom... typical Rye...) 
We would sword fight with sticks, hit each other HARD, destroy each others lego creations, call each other the meanest names we knew... basically we were out to destroy each others lives bit by bit.  

He was two years older than me and always seemed like my parents favorite. 
You can actually see them falling more and more in love with him.

He was (and is) good at everything he tries. 
Piano. Never taken a lesson, but can play like a God. Guitar. Same thing. Ping pong champion and incredible artist. 
Funny as all hell and very popular with the ladies. 
Well, who can blame them? He got all of the good looks in the family. 
Well you get the point.
All of the siblings know he is my parents favorite

We were too close in age to be anything but allies at times. 
He had his "guy friends" and would ditch me on the regular. 
(Don't feel sorry for me, I'm really okay now.)

Once we were in high school together things got a little more interesting.

Girls would talk to me to try to get to my brother. 
They would actually talk to me ABOUT my brother.
"Hannah, your brother is so cute. I have such a FAT crush on him" 
(Those words were commonly heard in my day) 
Yeah, it was super fun.
But, the funny thing is, my brother was never interested, nor seemed aware of the fact he was so popular. 
But, I think he hated the fact that we went to the same high school. 
He never seemed pleased that we were in close proximity to each other. 
That is, until he got his car. 

The Red Dragon. 
Runs on biodiesel and awesomeness. 

Suddenly we drove to school together and shit changed again.
I suddenly became his girl expert, his advice giver, texter on the car ride home and truest confidant.
We shared life stories, worries and drama on the way home and things became clearer in our friendship. 
Then he went away to college. 
And I missed him. 
I missed him being in his room studying for spanish.
I missed him asking me to do his homework for him.
I missed him asking me for girlfriend advice. 
I missed his stupid jokes and the fact that he let me hit him HARD when I was so fed up with guys because someone had just cheated on me. 
I just missed him.
I asked him to be my escort when I entered the Almond Queen pageant. 
Creepy picture I know, I am also now VERY aware of my metal mouth. Gross.
But, yes. I missed him.
Now, being away at college...
I still do. 
He is one of my best friends, and although we get in to HUGE fights and have competitions that end badly... (We are both VERY competitive people..) I love him regardless.

Now, this is a long post already... so I'll just add a few pictures and be on my way. 
I can't wait to be home!

(Although I know full well that you think this Blog is Bull shit.) 

Don't tell mom I said that bad word.