By now, you all should realize that I am super homesick.
But, what exactly am I homesick for?
It's not my HOME...
It's not my bed, because God knows that my bed in Oregon is twice as big, comfortable and cozy.
It's not the loud noises...
(Although I do miss the sounds of tractors starting up at six and chickens crowing in the morning...)
Yes. They actually do that.
But they also crow at night and during the day.
What do I miss?
Well, besides home cooked meals, I miss my family.
Mostly, at times like these, I miss my brothers.
Yes. Sappy I know.
But, it's because
My brothers are the best.
I don't really know why I don't use peoples names on this thing...
Maybe it started as a way to protect privacy, but now it's just become a burden.
So, to hell with it!
I am going to use their names.
Because, most of you all know their names anyways.
And those of you who don't know them, should.
My two brothers names are Amon and Rye.
Rye (like the grass) is twenty-two.
Amon (like the nut, but not.) is twenty-seven.
I am going to talk about Rye today.
Because just one of them is enough to handle in one post.
Now, a bit of background for you all.
First off... Rye: Or, as I used to call him: Rye-Rye.
No, this isn't what he looks like all the time. |
Growing up, Rye and I were not exactly what you could call friends.
I think it had to do with the fact that I HAD to spent most of my time hanging out with him when we were home schooled together. Up until sixth grade for him... but there was a time when we both HATED each other. I mean, despised each other.
(I remember the first (and only) time I got my mouth washed out with soap. I had called Rye an Asshole, and he went crying to my mom... typical Rye...)
We would sword fight with sticks, hit each other HARD, destroy each others lego creations, call each other the meanest names we knew... basically we were out to destroy each others lives bit by bit.
He was two years older than me and always seemed like my parents favorite.
You can actually see them falling more and more in love with him. |
He was (and is) good at everything he tries.
Piano. Never taken a lesson, but can play like a God. Guitar. Same thing. Ping pong champion and incredible artist.
Funny as all hell and very popular with the ladies.
Well, who can blame them? He got all of the good looks in the family.
Well you get the point.
All of the siblings know he is my parents favorite
We were too close in age to be anything but allies at times.
He had his "guy friends" and would ditch me on the regular.
(Don't feel sorry for me, I'm really okay now.)
Once we were in high school together things got a little more interesting.
Girls would talk to me to try to get to my brother.
They would actually talk to me ABOUT my brother.
"Hannah, your brother is so cute. I have such a FAT crush on him"
(Those words were commonly heard in my day)
Yeah, it was super fun.
But, the funny thing is, my brother was never interested, nor seemed aware of the fact he was so popular.
But, I think he hated the fact that we went to the same high school.
He never seemed pleased that we were in close proximity to each other.
That is, until he got his car.
The Red Dragon.
Runs on biodiesel and awesomeness.
Suddenly we drove to school together and shit changed again.
I suddenly became his girl expert, his advice giver, texter on the car ride home and truest confidant.
We shared life stories, worries and drama on the way home and things became clearer in our friendship.
Then he went away to college.
And I missed him.
I missed him being in his room studying for spanish.
I missed him asking me to do his homework for him.
I missed him asking me for girlfriend advice.
I missed his stupid jokes and the fact that he let me hit him HARD when I was so fed up with guys because someone had just cheated on me.
I just missed him.
I asked him to be my escort when I entered the Almond Queen pageant.
Creepy picture I know, I am also now VERY aware of my metal mouth. Gross. |
But, yes. I missed him.
Now, being away at college...
I still do.
He is one of my best friends, and although we get in to HUGE fights and have competitions that end badly... (We are both VERY competitive people..) I love him regardless.
Now, this is a long post already... so I'll just add a few pictures and be on my way.
I can't wait to be home!
(Although I know full well that you think this Blog is Bull shit.)
Don't tell mom I said that bad word.