Friday, June 29, 2012

Thank You For the Comment and Keep Reading!


Recently, as you may have noticed, I have not been very constant in my blog writing. I instead, have been busy traveling, learning, laughing and growing. (Literally, as I live on a farm.)
I have so much to update everyone on, even those who know me the best don’t know me much at all at the moment... Seeing as how I am spending the majority of my time playing capture the flag and milking cows with campers ages 7 to 12.
This summer, like the last 10 summers, I am working at Camp Full Belly Farm.
(Located, very conveniently, right outside my house.)  Already, I have gotten to know almost 120 different campers all with different personalities, quirks and talents. 
I love this job.
It makes me yearn for sleep more than I have ever in my whole life. It also reminds me how fortunate I am to grow up with a 250-acre back yard. 
I am pretty dang lucky. 

So, this summer, along with getting back from my trip across the globe, I am being reminded of those things I hold most dear. Dogs, stars, friendships that are as strong as the muscles I am getting from pulling campers up the creek… and life. 

Recently, I had a most passionate reader comment on my blog reminding me that I should tell the truth about who I am as an individual. Well here it goes: 
This summer I feel strong. I feel cared for by my friends and family. I feel capable of leading 56 campers in rhythms and games and farming activities with enthusiasm and love. I feel confident that I can get on a train or plane ANYWHERE and figure it out by myself. I feel confident that I am beautiful, on the inside and the out. And NO words, however hurtful, and NO person, no matter how hateful, will make me think less of myself. 

This year has been a time FULL of tremendous growth for me. I have learned how to stand on my own two feet. I have learned that getting lost can be fun, because you get to experience the journey of finding your way back. I learned that I can live through earthquakes, hate mail, heartbreak and tears. I learned that although I am the baby, that doesn't mean I need to count on anyone else to live my life. 
So readers… ALL readers, “thanks for the comment and keep reading!”
Because BOY do I have a lot to tell YOU!

These pictures remind me of the STRENGTH that I felt on my trip and the strength that I now know I have. 


  1. Hello i would not like to give my name up right now but i have gone to high school with you and i was wondering if there is anyway i could cintact you that is not so public.

  2. Hello! Yes! If you would like to contact me further you can always email me at
    Thanks for the comment!

  3. I'm a little bit obsessed with the picture of you with the little man cuddling on top of you.

  4. EP: Don't you just want her to have kids already?!?!
