Monday, August 20, 2012

Not all who wander are lost.

120 miles.
I am dark.
My legs permanently look "swoll"
My hair is two shades lighter.
My stomach two sizes smaller.
I can run without stopping.
I can hang my food in trees.
I can walk 14 miles in a day with a 55 pound pack on my back.

I wrote less in my journal than I had planned.
I didn't think much about my life goals much.
I thought about grilled cheese sandwiches and hot showers.
I didn't fight with my friends.
We snuggled each night, thankful for surviving another day on wild trail and slapped bugs off each other.
We laughed when things weren't funny because we liked the way the sound cut through the silence of the woods. We ate dehydrated food and dreamed of greasy fries and fresh veggies.
We were the youngest girls on the trail, doing the hardest section of the p.c.t (Pacific crest trail) in washington.
We finished 120 miles in 10 days.
We did it.
And I am the happiest and proudest I have ever been of myself and my body.
I am sure I will write more later, but as of now... A few pictures to keep you guessing.

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