Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What Makes A Good Blog?

I have been obsessing over my usual blogs this week and wondering what makes a good blog good.
it took me a while, but I finally found the recipe for a 
wonderful-fantastical-read-every-day-I-want-to-be-just-like-you blog.
Or at least for me. 

Here it is the HOW TO on all things blogs: What you will need to write a successful blog. 
By Hannah Muller.

1. Babies. 
Babies are cute. Babies do cute things. Babies do a thousand cute and horrible things a day so there is always something to write about. Babies are chubby and don't mind if you take their picture. Because of the small problems and fact that I don't currently have a baby.. and don't plan on pushing one out of my vag (see old post) anytime soon, I think my only hope is to steal one. 

2. Harry Potter References 
Everyone loves a good HP reference, anddd the fans of Harry Potter are wild and crazy. So, just add in a few key words that Harry Potter fans search in their google search engine and you will be golden on readers and they will keep coming back for more.

3. Romance.
Everyone likes a good love story. If you have one to share, share it. If not... make one up.

4. Wit.
As my roommate likes to say, good wit is hard to come by these days. 
If you can write a blog in a short and snappy way that makes people ponder their lives as well as pee their pants because they are laughing so hard... You are doing well my friend keep it up. 

5. Fashion.
Okay, okay, so this isn't for everrryyy blog but the blogs that I like to read have some pretty fun lookin outfits and wonderfully dressed ladies. I have attempted this a few times... all with horrible endings. 

6. Short and to the point. 
No one likes to read essays. Especially when they aren't funny, but even the funniest of essays drag on after a while. Keep it snappy, even if you have a whole lot more to say on the matter... truth is? No one really cares. 
7. Pictures.
Pictures are a serious must. A lot of pictures. Fun pictures that have to do with your life. Pictures, pictures, pictures. Upload. Now.

8. Some sort of theme that ties the whole thing together. 
It's not enough just to write about your life. Anyone can do that. So not everyone is going to read it. I still haven't really gotten the hang of it, but my Day-sperations have helped. And keeping the focus on things you know well. For me it's farming. And complaining. 

9. Details.
If you are going to talk about your life (which you should all do) Be detailed. Tell stories. Tell secrets. It bonds the readers to you. No one wants to sit through a boring overview of what happened to you today... except maybe your boyfriend (see # 3) So make it interesting. If nothing fun happened to you that day, talk about a time in your life when something fun DID happen. Use descriptive words and images to make the reader feel like they were right there with you. 
10. A good blog lay out.
I am still experimenting with mine, continuing to change parts that seem too wacky, colors, blog titles and such. I have been on MANY blogs where the layout was extremely confusing so I didn't feel like reading further. Make sure it catches the eye and still stays true to you!

Well future or current bloggers...
Good luck! 
It's such a fun feeling when you see your viewers numbers start to climb... 
I can not wait to continue blogging! 
It's something I look forward to each day!


  1. Hi! I love this post. I'm also a student. I love finding bloggers who are close to my age. (: Anyways. I wanted to follow your blog but I couldn't find anywhere to do so..

  2. Hi Natalie! My blog should have a bar on the top of page that gives you the option to follow my blog, or if that doesn't work feel free to bookmark it on your computer! Thanks for reading! :)
